Women's Training with Sharada - to be, to heal, to grow (5-12 September)

Maybe some of you already know, we have a beautiful Women’s Training coming. From 5-12 September with one of my dear teachers from Bali, Sharada. Please watch this warm invitation from her for this training retreat in Haaften, The Netherlands where she explains exactly what it is all about.
A women's Training to be, to heal, to grow (and also to learn to facilitate women's circles)

A retreat is an experience that can inside and outside transform you. We create a level of intimacy with each other and yourself, so you can reach depth which can bring important breakthroughs in a short time. We will have a small group of international women together, all different but so much in common… Surrounded in a nourishing space of our retreat center and with yummy healthy food...

If you wish to receive more information, please let me know (josine@unmani.nl). I can send you the leaflet.
Or if you want to enroll, use this link.

With love,

Josine van de Wal